About Us

In a warm and intimate environment, the Iranian Club of Dubai provides various accommodations (hotel), catering (restaurant), sports, educational, cultural, and artistic services to our dear compatriots and other people interested in authentic Iranian culture and art.

In this complex, holding various training courses such as sports courses that include football, futsal, gymnastics, kung fu, swimming, hydrotherapy, tennis, badminton, and other popular sports, can make you remember a good time.



On the other hand, we have solved this vital concern for Iranians living in the UAE by holding Persian, English, and Arabic language courses.

Due to the interest and welcome of your loved ones in the educational courses, calligraphy, sewing, painting, robotic abacus, and various music courses such as piano, def and solfege training, a good start has been provided to satisfy your loved ones and for your comfort.

The coaches and professors working in the group have good experience and skills to teach the Iranian club course enthusiasts.

The hotel and restaurant of the Iranian club complex will suit the Iranian taste. Various programs, such as Iranian Sunday buffets, have provided a pleasant and beautiful atmosphere for Iranian fans and loved ones.

The daily menu, all kinds of desserts and appetizers, and Iranian dishes such as stews, kebabs, and seafood will be a small part of your special Iranian menu.

Dubai Iranian Club always tries to achieve the best for you, dear Iranians, and we are impatiently waiting for your warm presence in this group.